Creator "restart' button please!
Jason H
2010-11-21 00:56:45 UTC
You have "stop" and "run" buttons on the bar, but I would really appreciate a
restart button.

This is particularly handy, when I am tweaking some QML.
And, when using QML viewer (and possibly any other app) , please have it NOT ask
if it should force the quit.

Or, even better - have it check for changes to any QML file it is using and have
it automatically reload. The F5 manual reload is nice, but I am hoping to speed

Kai Koehne
2010-11-22 14:56:03 UTC
Post by Jason H
You have "stop" and "run" buttons on the bar, but I would really appreciate a
restart button.
It also happens to me that I end up with gazillions of qmlviewer
instances. However, I was thinking more along the lines of killing the
old instance when launching a new one with "Ctrl+R". This way it
wouldn't be yet another button / shortcut to remember.
Post by Jason H
This is particularly handy, when I am tweaking some QML.
And, when using QML viewer (and possibly any other app) , please have it NOT ask
if it should force the quit.
Yeah, other complained about this before, too :) But there are also some
people defending the message box, preventing them from loosing their
carefully set up running app. I think we have yet to reach consensus on
this one ...
Post by Jason H
Or, even better - have it check for changes to any QML file it is using and have
it automatically reload. The F5 manual reload is nice, but I am hoping to speed
When you're debugging qml you can actually make small fixes to your .qml
file, while it's running! Just hit "Save" while debugging. This works
also for mixed C++/Qml applications, and not only qmlviewer. The feature
is still somewhat in its infancy in 2.1, but I have high hopes we can
make this a killer feature in future versions.
Post by Jason H
Thank you for the feedback! Btw, since I saw you also cross-posted to
qt-interest@: The best place to discuss issues like these in QtCreator
is either qt-***@trolltech.com, or bugreports.qt.nokia.com.


Kai Koehne
Kai Koehne
Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

Nokia gate5 GmbH
Firmensitz: Invalidenstr. 117, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Berlin: HRB 106443 B
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE 812 845 193
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Michael Halbherr, Karim Tähtivuori
Joerg Bornemann
2010-11-23 07:51:15 UTC
Post by Kai Koehne
It also happens to me that I end up with gazillions of qmlviewer
instances. However, I was thinking more along the lines of killing the
old instance when launching a new one with "Ctrl+R". This way it
wouldn't be yet another button / shortcut to remember.
I second this! This would be a very sane behaviour or let's say this
would be the behaviour I would expect. :)
Post by Kai Koehne
Post by Jason H
This is particularly handy, when I am tweaking some QML.
And, when using QML viewer (and possibly any other app) , please have it NOT ask
if it should force the quit.
Yeah, other complained about this before, too :) But there are also some
people defending the message box, preventing them from loosing their
carefully set up running app. I think we have yet to reach consensus on
this one ...
There's a simple solution: have a message box with a checkbox "remember
my choice".


Jason H
2010-11-30 17:26:56 UTC
Feel free to vote for it!


----- Original Message ----
From: Joerg Bornemann <***@nokia.com>
To: qt4-preview-***@trolltech.com
Sent: Tue, November 23, 2010 2:51:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Qt4-preview-feedback] Creator "restart' button please!
Post by Kai Koehne
It also happens to me that I end up with gazillions of qmlviewer
instances. However, I was thinking more along the lines of killing the
old instance when launching a new one with "Ctrl+R". This way it
wouldn't be yet another button / shortcut to remember.
I second this! This would be a very sane behaviour or let's say this
would be the behaviour I would expect. :)
Post by Kai Koehne
Post by Jason H
This is particularly handy, when I am tweaking some QML.
And, when using QML viewer (and possibly any other app) , please have it NOT ask
if it should force the quit.
Yeah, other complained about this before, too :) But there are also some
people defending the message box, preventing them from loosing their
carefully set up running app. I think we have yet to reach consensus on
this one ...
There's a simple solution: have a message box with a checkbox "remember
my choice".


